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Compare Route with: Select Train for Comparison 12378/Padatik Express 13150/Kanchankanya Express 13174/Sabroom - Sealdah Kanchanjungha Express 13176/Silchar - Sealdah Kanchanjungha Express 13142/Teesta Torsa Express 13154/Gour Express 13190/Balurghat - Sealdah Express 13148/Uttarbanga Express 13164/Hate Bazare Express (via Mansi) 13170/Hate Bazare Express (via Purnea) 12344/Darjeeling Mail
Shortest Route: 82 Stations. 318 km.
Train: 98 Stations. 339 km. Train Route between Malda Town and Sealdah is longer by 20 km (6%).
Hide/Show Route Stations Shortest Route 81 Stations Km MLDT 0.0 GZM 8.39 JMQ 14.16 KTJ 20.67 CMX 29.26 NFKN 34.46 5 stations NFK 35.14 NFKB 36.49 BPBS 39.75 SXP 44.71 DGLE 49.86 HSM 53.33 BDBP 56.61 NILE 59.71 SPLE 66.41 AHN 73.39 JRLE 79.7 GALE 86.58 PSPM 91.45 MGLE 94.29 NWMS 99.23 MPLE 102.81 MPLR 104.7 PRDG 109.19 AJLE 112.58 ACLE 113.51 19 stations AZ 114.79 MBB 121.29 CSZ 128.39 BPC 132.2 NBPH 137.19 SGV 140.71 BFT 144.2 BEB 150.23 REJ 159.29 SRJN 163.09 PLY 168.27 PCX 173.99 DEB 178.87 SVH 186.48 BTY 190.68 MGM 201.01 DHU 206.16 BPD 211.86 16 stations KNJ 218.79 JKL 223.86 BDZ 228.8 THP 234.08 BIJ 236.83 4 stations KLNP 240.8 RHAS 242.99 1 stations RHA 245.0 PDX 250.72 CDH 256.53 PXR 258.73 SMX 261.06 MPJ 265.44 5 stations KYI 270.42 KPA 273.21 KPAW 274.71 HLR 276.42 3 stations NH 280.6 NHS 280.97 NHYD 281.82 ESDS 282.16 KNR 283.33 JGDL 285.25 SNR 288.25 IP 291.42 PTF 293.45 BP 295.98 TGH 298.09 KDH 299.93 SEP 302.86 AGP 304.66 BLH 307.06 14 stations DDJ 311.62 BNXR 314.89 KGK 316.42 NKG 317.26 3 stations SDAH 318.45
Hide/Show Train Stations 13190/Balurghat - Sealdah ... 98 Stations Km MLDT 106.34 GZM 114.73 JMQ 120.5 KTJ 127.01 CMX 135.6 NFKN 140.8 5 stations NFK 141.48 NFKB 142.83 BPBS 146.09 SXP 151.05 DGLE 156.2 HSM 159.67 BDBP 162.95 NILE 166.05 SPLE 172.75 AHN 179.73 9 stations JRLE 186.04 GALE 192.92 PSPM 197.79 MGLE 200.63 NWMS 205.57 MPLE 209.15 MPLR 211.04 PRDG 215.53 AJLE 218.92 ACLE 219.85 9 stations AZ 221.13 DHPD 225.04 LCAE 227.82 NLSF 233.37 KGLE 235.79 JVT 241.43 KNSN 246.61 KTLR 253.59 CWLE 256.0 KZPE 260.12 BZLE 263.56 MIAN 266.7 TYAE 270.5 MHTR 274.73 SALE 277.01 JHBN 280.73 GGLE 283.81 SHBL 286.28 NBKH 290.7 18 stations KWAE 294.04 DHAE 300.94 SHBA 304.33 AGAE 307.05 PTAE 311.91 BQY 316.94 LKX 319.67 MTFA 322.81 PSAE 325.82 BFZ 328.19 VSPR 331.63 10 stations NDAE 333.43 KLNT 337.73 SMAE 341.44 NDIM 344.84 DTAE 348.12 BGRA 352.68 ABKA 356.72 GPAE 363.79 BHLA 366.11 SOAE 370.95 BGAE 373.74 JIT 377.04 KMAE 382.24 DMLE 384.24 KJU 387.51 TBAE 390.68 IPRA 392.88 BSAE 394.52 17 stations BDC 399.0 HYG 402.66 GFAE 404.38 NHLC 405.03 3 stations NH 407.24 NHS 407.61 NHYD 408.46 ESDS 408.8 KNR 409.97 JGDL 411.89 SNR 414.89 IP 418.06 PTF 420.09 BP 422.62 TGH 424.73 KDH 426.57 SEP 429.5 AGP 431.3 BLH 433.7 DDJ 438.26 BNXR 441.53 KGK 443.06 NKG 443.9 18 stations SDAH 445.09
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